rocky road cupcakes
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Rocky Road Cupcakes A Nice Gourmet Gift

Rocky Road Cupcakes are a gourmet gift treat from The Lolly Shop brand. They are a unique gourmet gift product with six different rocky road cupcakes that are loaded with yum. They are packed in gold foil cups 6 to a tray.
There are many variations of the famous Rocky Road snack food and this one is special. The pack features two each with Dark Chocolate , two with Milk Chocolate and two with White Chocolate.
So it basically a rocky road variety pack.
Buy them at all Harris Farm Markets stores or at Ritchies IGA New Lambton store, which has now re-opened after renovations.
The Lolly Shop is a subsidiary of Opera Foods and manufactures and delivers Wholesale lollies Sydney Melbourne & Brisbane.
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Buy The Lolly Shop Snack Food at Ritchies IGA
Ritchies IGA re-opened their refurbished and enlarged IGA store at New Lambton NSW this week with a huge variety of unique and local regional brands.
One of the featured brands is The lolly shop’s snack food lines. Pictured is the stand for The Lolly Shop near the checkout counters.
The Ritchies store offers the pack of 6 Rocky road Cupcakes which includes 3 flavors (Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate. 2 of each) so there is something for all kinds of Chocolate lovers in that pack.
See also the Macadamia Brittle and the Peanut Brittle. Two old fashioned caramel toffee lollies just like your granny used to make.
One of our best selling snack foods is the Honeycomb (plain or choc coated in a 130g bag).
The Lolly Shop is a registered business name and a subsidiary of Opera Foods Pty Ltd.
#thelollyshop #lollyshop #snackfood #rockyroad #rockyroadcupcakes #brittle #peanutbrittle #macadamiabrittle #honeycomb #chocolatehoneycombe #choccoatedhoneycombe #ritchies #ritchiesiga #ritchiesiganewlambton #ritchiesnewlambton #operafoods