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Jersey Caramel Impulse Buy Checkout Hang Bags

Jersey Caramels – 1kg Bulk Lollies Bag for Lolly Buffet
Jersey Caramels are one of many classic old fashioned Lolly flavours available as checkout hang bags for budget buy impulse sales from our wholesale confectionery distributor Opera Foods.
Other classic lolly flavours include Hard Jubes, Licorice Allsorts, Mint Leaves, Jelly Beans, Snakes, Sour Worms, Party Mix, Caramel Popcorn etc.
All at recommended retail $2.50
#hardjubes #licoriceallsorts #mintleaves #jellybeans #snakes #sourworms #partymix #caramelpopcorn #operafoods #thelollyshop #lolliland #lollyshop #jerseycaramels #impulsesales #impulseproducts #checkoutproducts