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Rocky Road Cupcakes A Nice Gourmet Gift

Rocky Road Cupcakes

Rocky Road Cupcakes are a gourmet gift treat from The Lolly Shop brand. They are a unique gourmet gift product with six different rocky road cupcakes that are loaded with yum. They are packed in gold foil cups 6 to a tray.

There are many variations of the famous Rocky Road snack food and this one is special. The pack features two each with Dark Chocolate , two with Milk Chocolate and two with White Chocolate.

So it basically a rocky road variety pack.

Buy them at all Harris Farm Markets stores or at Ritchies IGA New Lambton store, which has now re-opened after renovations.

The Lolly Shop is a subsidiary of Opera Foods and manufactures and delivers Wholesale lollies Sydney Melbourne & Brisbane.

#thelollyshop #rockyroad #rockyroadcupcakes #harrisfarm #harrisfarmmarkets #ritchiesiga #ritchiesiganewlambton #wholesalelollies #snackfood #chocolate #yum #whitechocolate #operafoods #lollyshop  #wholesalelolliessydney #wholesalelolliesmelbourne #wholesalelolliesbrisbane


Buy The Lolly Shop Snack Food at Ritchies IGA

Snack Food from the Lolly Shop - Rocky Road cupcakes Honeycomb and Toffee brittle

Confectionery from The Lolly Shop

Ritchies IGA re-opened their refurbished and enlarged IGA store at New Lambton NSW this week with a huge variety of unique and local regional brands.

One of the featured brands is The lolly shop’s snack food lines. Pictured is the stand for The Lolly Shop near the checkout counters.

The Ritchies store offers the pack of 6 Rocky road Cupcakes which includes 3 flavors (Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate and Dark Chocolate. 2 of each) so there is something for all kinds of Chocolate lovers in that pack.

See also the Macadamia Brittle and the Peanut Brittle. Two old fashioned caramel toffee lollies just like your granny used to make.

One of our best selling snack foods is the Honeycomb (plain or choc coated in a 130g bag).

The Lolly Shop is a registered business name and a subsidiary of Opera Foods Pty Ltd.

#thelollyshop  #lollyshop #snackfood #rockyroad #rockyroadcupcakes #brittle #peanutbrittle #macadamiabrittle #honeycomb #chocolatehoneycombe  #choccoatedhoneycombe #ritchies #ritchiesiga #ritchiesiganewlambton #ritchiesnewlambton #operafoods

Pinata Mix from The Lolly Shop all Individually Wrapped

Pinanta Mix Bulk Lollies

Pinanta Mix Bulk Lollies

Our delightful tasty Pinata Mix 750g Bulk Lollies Bag for Lolly Buffet or Lolly bar, from The Lolly Shop, will make your Party a special event. Just watch the kids bash down a big pinata and retrieve all of the lollies. A huge variety of individually wrapped lollies with a flavor for every taste.
Buy Bulk Lollies online from The Lolly Shop
#pinatamix #pinata #individuallywrapped #lollies #pinatalollies #thelollyshop

Boiled Lollies Classic Favourites for Gourmet Gifts

Boiled lollies rock candy from The Lolly Shop

Boiled lollies rock candy from The Lolly Shop

Boiled Lollies, or rock candy as the Americans call them, are an old fashioned hand-made sweet treat that are hard to beat for pleasing.

The Lolly Shop’s Classic 100g jars still have that old fashioned look that says quality and they are still one of the most popular gourmet gift products on the market.

The Lolly Shop offers six standard flavours that are perfect everyday gift items and excellent in a gourmet gift baskets due to their universal acceptance and enjoyment.

Shown here in a clear acetone box as a set of 3 with a ribbon, there are many ways to incorporate them into a gourmet gift basket.

For bulk orders please order in advance or for regular retail orders, we always have a stock and they are available in a box of 12 of each flavour or an assorted dozen.

The Lolly Shop is a registered Australian business name and a wholly owned subsidiary of Australian fine foods wholesalers and manufacturers Opera Foods.

#boiledlollies #rockcandy #giftlollies #gourmetgifts #giftbaskets #thelollyshop #lollyshop #operafoods

Christmas Gift Pack Rocky Road

Rocky Road 200g Christmas gift Pack from The Lolly Shop

Rocky Road 200g Christmas gift Pack

Try the famous Rocky Road 200g pack in a special gift pack for Christmas from The Lolly Shop.
This beautiful gift pack includes a snowflake shaped hole on one side to view the Rocky Road, although the product has its clear inner packaging to protect it.

A delightfull Christmas treat and Christmas gift idea from The Lolly Shop. Order online from Operafoods


The Lolly Shop is a subsidiary of Opera Foods Pty Ltd

#rockyroad #thelollyshop #lollyshop #Christmasgiftideas

Jersey Caramel Impulse Buy Checkout Hang Bags


Jersey Caramels - 1kg Bulk Lollies Bag for Lolly Buffet

Jersey Caramels – 1kg Bulk Lollies Bag for Lolly Buffet

Jersey Caramels are one of many classic old fashioned Lolly flavours available as checkout hang bags for budget buy impulse sales from our wholesale confectionery distributor Opera Foods.

Other classic lolly flavours include Hard Jubes, Licorice Allsorts, Mint Leaves, Jelly Beans, Snakes, Sour Worms, Party Mix, Caramel Popcorn etc.

All at recommended retail $2.50

#hardjubes #licoriceallsorts #mintleaves #jellybeans #snakes #sourworms #partymix #caramelpopcorn #operafoods #thelollyshop #lolliland #lollyshop #jerseycaramels #impulsesales #impulseproducts #checkoutproducts

Pink & White Marshmallow Twists for Lollybar

Pink & White Marshmallow Twists - The Lolly Shop wholesalers

Pink & White Marshmallow Twists – The Lolly Shop wholesalers

Pink & White Marshmallow Twists are a perfect colour scheme for a girls party lolly bar.

The Lolly Shop, wholesalers, offer bulk confectionery in 1kg bags at budget prices to enable you to stock a whole Lolly bar for your next Girls party.

The Lolly Shop also has a blue Series for boys Parties

Marshmallows are a classic favorite lolly and people of all ages will enjoy them.

Buy them at bulk prices now from confectionery wholesalers Opera Foods 

Bulk Lollies on Special July at Opera Foods

Sour Worms 1kg Bulk Lollie

Sour Worms 1kg Bulk Lollie

Bulk Lollies from The Lolly Shop are a great bargain at Opera Foods’ Online Gourmet store and on special this month one of Australia’s Favourite classic confectionery products, Sour Worms. Sour Worms are a unique thing, people either love em or hate em. Most people love em. See the full blog entry on Bulk Lollies at Opera Foods Online Gourmet Store.

The Lolly Shop introduces A New Flavour & A Variety Box

Variety box of Rock Candy

Variety box of Rock Candy

Australian confectionery supplier, The Lolly Shop,  announces Choc Mint as a fresh new flavour for their popular range of boiled lollies or rock candy confectionery.

The rock candy range from The Lolly Shop have become classical Australian favourites over the years as their yummy flavours and beautifully presented jars are such perfect gifts.

Many people love to keep a small jar on their desk or handy in the cupboard to create smiles and help smooth over those people that really  need a hug.

The Lolly Shop’s new range of boiled lollies or rock candy, will now include Rosey Apple, Raspberry Creams, Citrus Fruit Salad mix, Aniseed Humbugs, Peppermint Bullseyes, and Choc. Mint.

Some of Australia’s gourmet gift basket suppliers are already using these gorgeous lolly jars to add variety and fun to their gift baskets, so you might find them as a wonderfully well priced little, one-on-one, thank you gift, or as a sweet hello, for a friend.

Our 12 pack boxes of this gorgeous confectionery, including the new Choc Mint flavour and the mixed carton, will be shipping to Australian retailers from 22nd June.

Please Enjoy!

For more information on The Lolly Shop’s rock candy confectionery range see Australian national wholesale food distributors Opera Foods Pty Ltd.

Coastal Designs Decor new Distributor

Australia wide delivery

Homewares wholesalers

Australian gifts and homewares wholesaler Coastal Designs Decor has been appointed a distributor for The Lolly Shop.

Most of the products from The Lolly Shop are already sold through multi product category retailers who don’t actually specialise in confectionary. So why not have a distributor that already specialises in selling to a broad range of retailers. Coastal Designs Decor is a importer and nationwide wholesaler of budget priced home decorative accessories in a coastal, beach or nautical theme.

They also sell the widest range of decorative hand made Volkswagen Kombis and  official Volkswagen approved diecast models in VW kombis and beetles. They carry other official Volkswagen memorabilia like desk clocks and Volkswagen USB ports distributing direct to a wide range of gift stores.

So gifts and Homewares stores that want to create a Lolly Shop section within their store for impulse buys, can now order The Lolly Shop brand stock with their regular gifts and home decor product stock.

Gifts and Homewares retailers can register at Coastal Designs Decor for Wholesale Access and then order online immediately in a special category there called The Lolly Shop