Boiled Lollies Rock Candy MIXED Flavours 130g Jars


  • Popular classic boiled lollies that we all love. Nice for gourmet gift baskets
  • Makes a perfect gourmet gift. Let them enjoy.
  • The re-sealable jar makes a perfect desk top dispenser and drawcard
  • Need Variety? Order in multiples of 6 Jars here!
  • Buy bulk lollies online from the candy shop brand The Lolly Shop
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Our Mixed Box of 12, contains 2 jars of each of our favourite flavours of boiled sugar lollies. Flavours include Rosey Apple, Raspberry cream, Citrus Fruit Salad, Peppermint Bullseyes, Aniseed Humbugs and Choc Mints. Buy bulk lollies in mixed flavors of boiled lollies, wholesale confectionery in gift jars direct from the distributor for wholesale lollies. Opera Foods Pty Ltd is the parent company of The Lolly Shop brand

The Lolly Shop offers bulk lollies online wholesale from their warehouse in Australia. Our Boiled Lollies Rock Candy MIXED Flavours 130g Jars  is a well loved favorite in boiled lollies, rock candy, mixed pack, Wholesale lollies,Wholesale confectionery, gourmet gifts, gift ideas.

Popular classic boiled lollies that we all love. Nice for gourmet gift baskets and we are delivering wholesale lollies to retailers in Sydney Melbourne & Brisbane suburbs overnight. We also supply consumers direct for your lolly buffet presentation at children’s parties.

Buy bulk lollies online from the candy shop brand The Lolly Shop

Country Of Origin: Made In Australia from Majority Australian Produce
Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose, Colours: 103, 123, 133,142, 151, 155, Food Acids: 300, 334, 503
Allergen Statement: Allergen Information: may contain traces of nuts or peanuts and gluten used in other items made on the same equipment


Energy: 1700
Protein: 0
Total Fats: 0
-Saturated Fats 0
Carbohydrates 99.9
– Sugars 98
Sodium 0

Note:This article was in part reprinted with permission from,
Author: Opera Foods. “Boiled Lollies Rock Candy MIXED Flavours 130g Jars.”, Opera Foods Wholesale Lolly Suppliers. Accessed 2019. BUY Boiled Lollies gift Jars
The Lolly Shop Wholesale business is a wholly own subsidiary of Opera Foods Pty Ltd.